Metadata Creation
Meta tags are invisible tags that provide data about a client’s web page to search engines and website visitors. In short, they make it easier for search engines to determine what their content is about, and thus are vital for SEO.
Featured Tools
- Yoast SEO
- Custom coding (if applicable)
- SERP Preview Tool
When we first set up the campaign, we focus on creating the metadata and microdata for the targeted web pages (step 1). Once we are in the management phase, metadata can be created for the other pages as time permits (step 2).
- Using the keyword map worksheet, create meta tags for each target page based on W3C standards (World Wide Web Consortium Metadata Specifications).
- Review Semrush Site Audit error list and update pages that have been flagged.
Title Tags
A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. Title tags are displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result and are important for usability, SEO, and social sharing.
- Write unique title tags for every page – You want your title tag to signal to search engines what the individual page is about.
- Ideal length – Google and other search engines will display 50-60 characters of a title tag in the search results before cutting it off, so you should generally aim for title tags that are around 50 characters or less.
- Use your target keyword (but don’t overdo it) – include the main keyword or keywords we are targeting for the specific page since Google’s algorithm uses the title tag to determine what our page is about. However, in writing, do not over-optimize the keywords. Write like you are writing for real people.
- Be descriptive of what the page is about – You want your title tag to provide an accurate description of what people will see when they choose to visit the web page. When people’s expectations match what they see on the page, it means a lower website bounce rate and a longer time spent on the site
- The title should be convincing – We want a title that entails why our page is great. Make sure you really think about what on the page is most valuable or important to your target audience. Your title tag should emphasize the value the page provides to them.
Meta Descriptions
- Keep it up to 155 characters – In Google search results, snippets are about 120 to 156 characters. Your description should not be longer than 155 characters, because otherwise, Google won’t show your entire snippet and it is not good for SEO.
- Use active voice and make it actionable – If you consider the meta description the invitation to the page, you can’t just write “A mixed metaphor describing a non-existent, yet implicitly high level of qualification.” That’s a dull description, and people won’t know what they’ll get.
- Include a call-to-action – “Hello, we have such and such a new product, and you want it. Find out more!” This overlaps what I said about the active voice, but I wanted to emphasize it. The meta description is your sales text. Except, in this case, the “product” you are trying to sell is the page that is linked. Invitations like Learn more, get it now, try for free come in handy and we use them too.
- Use your focus keyword – If the search keyword matches a part of the text in the meta description, Google will be more inclined to use it and highlight it in the search results. This will make the link to your site even more inviting. Google sometimes highlights synonyms.
- Show specifications, where possible – If our target customers are business-savvy, it can be a good idea to focus on the technical specs. For example, you can include the business process name, tools, deliverables, and things like that.
- Make sure it matches the content of the page – The description should match the page’s content, otherwise, Google will find out if you use the meta descriptions to trick visitors into clicking. They might even penalize you if you do it.
- Make it unique – If your meta description is the same as those for other pages, the user experience in Google will be hampered. Although your page titles might vary, all pages will appear to be the same because all the descriptions are the same.