Services / Strategic Marketing / Media Relations
Maintain a favourable image with the media and general public with our Vancouver media relations and press release services.
In today’s marketplace, you can’t afford to present an unprofessional and inconsistent image to the public. As your company’s media relations representative, we leverage our media contacts and extensive experience to generate positive media coverage that brings about public understanding and acceptance of your company.
Core Features of Media Relations
Our media relations packages include a full set of features tailored to your business.
We gather data on the latest trends to get a picture of where the market is moving and identify potential opportunities to support, and even drive, your campaign.
Workshops help to align your team around a communication strategy that builds brand appeal and credibility in the eyes of the public and members of the media. It’s a rare opportunity to brainstorm in real-time and set the tone for the rest of the work.
We guide all actions around your media relations program by developing a communication plan designed to enhance your profile and generate buzz via established networks of key media players, bloggers and influencers.
We identify relevant outlets and tap into our close relationships within the industry to build a targeted list of key media players and influencers tailored specifically for your business.
We facilitate collaboration by setting up an online calendar to help plan, produce and execute new activities and content across various channels and platforms, all in one single interface.
We create press releases and media content that the media cares about. By devising original ideas for stories, we deliver company news that resonate with your audience.
We rely on our extensive experience and solid relationships with key media players and outlets to best advance your message and objectives.
A report is prepared to update you on the results of your campaign. It details the coverage obtained and its effectiveness, as well as suggested strategies to improve the campaign.
Get insights into how you fit within your competitive landscape. We take a deep dive into your key rivals so we can create a value proposition that sets you apart.
A set of resources and tools are prepared, including a press release template, ambassador program and brand monitoring setup, to support all media relations and communication efforts.
A repository of curated images, videos, and materials are assembled to ensure we always maintain a consistent brand experience across all interactions with the media.
We devise press kits to introduce your company to relevant members of the media. It includes a set of promotional materials featuring key information that appeals to the media.
Newsworthy press releases and media communications are sent out regularly so that your stories are heard and shared by traditional and digital media platforms in a dynamic way.
Once your media relations campaign is launched, we continuously monitor, audit and optimize its performance to ensure accountability and a positive return on investment.
We plan, direct and coordinate ongoing media relations and communication activities to maintain a favourable image with the public and the media.
Take control of your brand image.
In today’s marketplace, image is everything. How your company is perceived by the outside world sets the tone for all of your interactions – with customers, partners, the media and other key stakeholders. You cannot afford to present an unprofessional or inconsistent image in a competitive and crowded landscape.
That’s why delivering a well-crafted message to your customer, effectively and cost-efficiently, is the job of a media relations expert. Kika’s seasoned PR publicists and media relations professionals specialize in crafting and telling the story behind your brand in a way that engenders interest and coverage by the media community. We are adept at using a combination of online and traditional public relations strategies to bring about public understanding and acceptance of your company. We understand your individual needs in order to provide a custom-fit media relations campaign that works for you. We know that one size does not fit all, and we are determined to find your size.
Build credibility and generate buzz.
Visibility is a key factor in any successful media relations campaign. While advertising also aims to boost a company’s visibility and generate leads, Kika works with its media contacts to propel your company out of the clutter and deliver your company’s message directly to your target audience. By using credible sources in the media community, our efforts garner more trust in your message and product offering.
Our media relations experts will also work with you to identify your target audience and develop tailored messaging and campaigns to effectively increase your brand exposure and credibility in the community. Partnering with Kika ensures that your company’s image achieves maximum positive impact on your target audiences.
Our connections are your connections.
At Kika, we pride ourselves in our ability to build and manage relationships with key media players and influencers who shape the conversation within your target audiences. We are trusted, respected and connected locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, which gives us access to a broad media network and allows you to get instant access to special opportunities, promotions/contests and media considerations.
Frequently Asked Questions
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The communications plan provides essential information to guide the development, implementation and control of your media relations campaign. It formally documents your company’s media relations objectives, value proposition, positioning, target audience, target media, key focus markets, key competitors and key messages.
Also featuring:
- Proposed pitch angles.
- Production cycles for different forms of media (e.g. magazines, websites, blogs, weekly and daily journals, television and radio).
- Lists of targeted media players, social media influencers and bloggers. The list can also include key government officials as well as industry events and trade shows to support community outreach efforts.
- Out-of-pocket budget to plan all communications-related expenses.
Press kits are used to promote your company to relevant members of the media. It features a set of key information and materials necessary to appeal to the media and help secure the desired media coverage. The press kit can be prepared as a digital document or as a physical press box if you want to include product samples.
What’s included:
- Backgrounder with historical information on the company
- Factsheet listing specific features, statistics, or benefits
- Biographies of key executives
- Testimonials of clients, partners, etc.
- Frequently asked questions
- Past press coverage
- High-resolution photos or other images (colour and black and white for newspaper print purposes) of key executives, logos, products, etc.
- Promotional videos
- Collateral advertising material, such as postcards, flyers, newspaper ads, etc.
- A press release detailing the current news the media kit is sent in reference to
- Media contact information
As part of your media relations campaign, we issue a range of content designed to promote newsworthy company updates and success stories to the media. By sending out appealing content, we help generate earned media and free publicity for your company. News outlets and journalists are constantly on the prowl for attention-grabbing stories they can broadcast to the public. We make sure yours stands out from the crowd.
PR Content Types
Press Releases
Press Releases are used when we need to broadcast breaking news stories.
They are written in a journalistic format with engaging storylines and quotes from principals to ensure wider distribution among the media looking for suitable, print-ready material.
Press releases typically contain 4 to 5 paragraphs with word limits ranging from 400 to 500.
Media Advisories
Media advisories are used when we need to alert the media to an upcoming news event, like a press conference.
They are written in a concise, one-page format outlining the event, its participants, the date and location. Think of them like an invitation that is sent 3-5 days before the event.
Specialized Articles
Specialized articles are used when we need to send news directly to members of the media and foster relationships with them, such as pitch letters, featured articles and editorial content.
They are written as a finished article and the format is more stylish/journalistic with an engaging storyline and quotes from principals to ensure wider distribution among the media looking for suitable, print-ready material.
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